The Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST develops data space technologies for sovereign data exchange and builds pioneering data ecosystems with its partners.


Our departments

Information on the various subject areas of our departments



White Paper

Enterprise Data Management

Building core competencies to unlock data-driven business opportunities and the potential for competitive advantage



Video series

Institute Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Otto on the topic of Data Readiness


(English subtitled)


Bitkom B2B-Event

"Putting innovations on the road": Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Boris Otto at TRANSFORM24

(only in German)




New podcast episode "Spin-off with the Fraunhofer ISST" Two founders on their way to their own company 

(only in German)




Fundamentals Paper "Data Sovereignty in Information Systems"



Fraunhofer celebrates its 75th anniversary!



Kurzstudie (only in German)

Datenwirtschaft und Edge-Computing

Potenziale, Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen
für Unternehmen




 »Designing Data Spaces - The Ecosystem Approach to Competitive Advantage«

The Fraunhofer ISST on LinkedIn

To the institute page on LinkedIn



Your way to us

Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST

Speicherstraße 6
D-44147 Dortmund
Phone +49 231-97677-0




Current publications on data spaces and other digitalization trends


Career at
Fraunhofer ISST

Your entry options at our institute